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dc.contributor.advisorRodrigues Neto, João Felício-
dc.contributor.authorMiranda, Leonardo de Paula-
dc.description.abstractThe assessment of self-perceived health is revealed to be an effective method in the scientific approach, bringing together aspects of the physical, cognitive and emotional health of individuals. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the self-perception of oral health and associated factors in rural quilombolas elderly in the north of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This is a cross-sectional population-based study, in which a cluster sampling was adopted with probability proportional to size (n=406). Data collection involved structured interviews and clinical dental examinations. It was observed that the respondents demonstrated low socioeconomic status, restricted access to dental services and poor oral health. It was found that the majority of the elderly self-perceived oral health as excellent (46.3%) or regular (30.2%). In the multiple analysis, there were statistically significant associations (p˂0.05) between regular GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index) and variables related to the location of the last dental consultation and use of dental prosthesis, as well as between poor GOHAI and variables related to marital status, religion, reason for the last consultation, DMTF index and use of prosthesis. It was noticed that most of the investigated expressed a positive self-assessment of oral health, diverging from the dental situation verified professionally. The variables related to access to dental services were those that most impacted the variability of self-perceived oral conditions.The assessment of self-perceived health is revealed to be an effective method in the scientific approach, bringing together aspects of the physical, cognitive and emotional health of individuals. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the self-perception of oral health and associated factors in rural quilombolas elderly in the north of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This is a cross-sectional population-based study, in which a cluster sampling was adopted with probability proportional to size (n=406). Data collection involved structured interviews and clinical dental examinations. It was observed that the respondents demonstrated low socioeconomic status, restricted access to dental services and poor oral health. It was found that the majority of the elderly self-perceived oral health as excellent (46.3%) or regular (30.2%). In the multiple analysis, there were statistically significant associations (p˂0.05) between regular GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index) and variables related to the location of the last dental consultation and use of dental prosthesis, as well as between poor GOHAI and variables related to marital status, religion, reason for the last consultation, DMTF index and use of prosthesis. It was noticed that most of the investigated expressed a positive self-assessment of oral health, diverging from the dental situation verified professionally. The variables related to access to dental services were those that most impacted the variability of self-perceived oral conditions.pt_BR
dc.subjectSaúde bucalpt_BR
dc.subjectComunidades vulneráveispt_BR
dc.titleAutopercepção da saúde bucal e fatores associados em idosos quilombolaspt_BR
dc.subject.areaCiencias da Saudept_BR
dc.description.resumoA avaliação da autopercepção em saúde se revela como método eficaz na abordagem científica, congregando aspectos da saúde física, cognitiva e emocional dos indivíduos. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a autopercepção da saúde bucal e fatores associados em idosos quilombolas rurais do norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo transversal de base populacional, no qual adotou-se uma amostragem por conglomerados com probabilidade proporcional ao tamanho (n=406). A coleta de dados envolveu a realização de entrevistas estruturadas e exames clínicos odontológicos. Observou-se que os pesquisados manifestavam baixo nível socioeconômico, acesso restrito aos serviços odontológicos e precária saúde bucal. Foi constatado que a maioria dos idosos autopercebeu a saúde bucal como ótima (46,3%) ou regular (30,2%). Verificaram-se, na análise múltipla, associações estatisticamente significantes (p˂0,05) entre GOHAI (Índice de Determinação da Saúde Bucal Geriátrica) regular e variáveis relativas ao local da última consulta odontológica e uso de prótese dentária, bem como entre GOHAI ruim e variáveis concernentes ao estado conjugal, religião, motivo da última consulta, índice CPO-D e uso de prótese. Percebeu-se que a maior parte dos investigados exprimiu uma autoavaliação positiva da saúde bucal, divergente do quadro odontológico constatado profissionalmente. As variáveis atinentes ao acesso aos serviços odontológicos foram as que mais impactaram na variabilidade da autopercepção das condições bucaispt_BR
dc.contributor.refereeBonan, Paulo Rogério Ferreti-
dc.contributor.refereeMendes, Danilo Cangussu-
dc.contributor.refereeMendes, Patrícia Helena Costa-
dc.contributor.refereeSilva, Carla Silvana de Oliveira-
Aparece nas coleções:Teses e Dissertações

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